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Montag, 10. September 2012

The famous egg custard tarts!

One of the very special desserts here in Hong Kong are the pastry crust filled with egg custard, the so called "Dan tat".

Everyone's arguing about its roots. Some say its influence came from the British egg tard or others might suggest it came from the Portuguese tard (so called Pastel de nata). Since the City Macau, which is 1 hour away by ship from Hong Kong was once Portuguese and is well known for the Portuguese tarts. They all share significant similarities to the Dan tat.

But let me tell you folks... this Egg tart is one of a kind! It is A MUST if you come down to Hong Kong to go and try this favored Tarts. They're very cheap, yet so delicious. And it's made from the best bakers. It's a must for every food lover and person with a sweet tooth. I recommend drinking a glass of cold or hot milk tea to go with it.

This small desert is mostly found in bakeries, dessert and the typical Hong Kong breakfast locations (called "cha chaan tengs").

2 Kommentare:

  1. Ouh...man you gonna kill me ... don't you dare making posts about Food when i'm hungry...xD just kidding. ;D
    I wonder how it tastes.

  2. Oh DAMN IT, Felix! Don't forget to bring me the recipe!!! They look so bloody delicious! You know who I am, don't you? My little, green friend... ;-)
