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Freitag, 7. September 2012

British Influence in a chinese World

Here's a small history insight on Hong Kong and why this city is a little "different" than China.

So as we all know Hong Kong is a part of china. But things weren't always like that. Before first of July 1997 Hong Kong had still belonged to the british, which cessed it away from China in the year 1842 during the opium wars in which Britain was victorious. As a result, the chinese had to hand over Hong Kong to the british for many Years. Around 155 Years after the reign of the british, Hong Kong was returned to the Republic of China. As you can see the european mentality runs deep within the Hong Kong people mixing up the chinese culture with the british habits. Making us quiet unique and apart from the mainland chinese.

The Year 2012 was the 15 Anniversary since the day the Reign of british governement had perished. Though till this very day, one can still tell the differnce from the behaviour of a citizen from china and one from hong kong, apart of the language difference. While the chinese mostly speak mandarin, Hong Kong people speak cantonese which is spoken in the region of canton. (canton -> cantonese, see the connection!?) The influence of modern european society still takes its place among the people who grow up in Hong Kong.

We can see lots of influence in daily life, but more to that another time!   

1 Kommentar:

  1. Thats very interesting. :) I did not know that.
    What do the People in Hongkong think of the British or the Chinese?
